Pediatric Surgery
Surgical diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases of children aged 0-17 are performed in the pediatric surgery clinic. Children's needs and diseases differ in different age ranges.
While the majority of surgical diseases seen in the neonatal period and infancy are congenital (congenital) diseases, the frequency of congenital diseases has decreased since the play childhood period, while surgical diseases that develop after birth (acquired) increase.
If the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that require surgical intervention in children are delayed, growth-development defects may occur in children.
Frequently Performed Surgical Procedures in Childhood
Diseases of the Inguinal Area
Inguinal Hernia (Inguinal Hernia)
Hydrocele, Cord Cyst
Undescended Testicle
Testicular Torsion
Orchitis- Epididymitis
Head and Neck Diseases
The majority of the diseases in this group occur due to developmental defects in the womb, and almost all of them are permanently cured with simple interventions.
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Branchial Cyst
Lymphangioma and Cystic Hygroma
Chest Cavity Mediastinal Lung and Chest Wall Diseases
Esophageal Atresia (Eesophageal Obstruction)
Esophagus Burns and Strictures
Achalasia (Stenosis of the Lower End of the Esophagus)
Gastroesophageal Reflux Conditions
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias (Congenital Diaphragm and Hernia of the Membrane Between the Thoracic-Abdomen)
Pectus Excavatum & Carinatum (Shoemaker & Pigeon Breast)
Lung Birth Cysts and Other Structural Disorders
Hydatid cyst (lung parasite cysts)
Breast Masses
Surgical Diseases of the Abdominal Wall and Digestive Canal
Intestinal Atresia (congenital intestinal obstruction)
Meconium Ileus (dense poop plug in infants)
Malrotation (abnormal placement of the intestines)
Volvulus (rotation of the intestines)
Hirschsprung's Disease (bowel movement disorder)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (intestinal gangrene in newborn babies)
Short Bowel Syndrome
Pyloric Stenosis (gastric outlet obstruction in infants)
Gastroschisis, Omphalocele (abdominal wall defects)
Umblical Hernia (Umbilical Hernia)
Umbilical Granuloma, Polyp Cysts (Belly Discharges)
Mesenteric and Omental Cysts(Intra-Abdominal Cysts)
Anal Atresia, Ectopic Anus (Closed Anus or Opening Abnormally)
Constipation and incontinence
Anal Fissure, Fistula and Abscess (Anal Fissure or Inflamed Discharges)
Liver, Gallbladder, Bile Ducts and Spleen Surgery
Gallbladder Stone and Other Surgical Disorders
Biliary Atresia (Congenital Obstruction of the Bile Ducts)
Celedochal Cysts (Bile Duct Cysts)
Portal Hypertension and Shunt Surgery
Spleen Surgery
Endocrine System Surgeries
Thyroid Surgery
Parathyroid Gland Surgery
Adrenal (Adrenal) Gland Surgery
Urological Diseases
Hypospadias (The Sunnah of the Prophet)
Undescended Testicle Treatment
Labial Fusion (Vaginal Lip Adhesion)
Testicular Torsion
Repair of the Urethral Cord
Enuresis (Urinary Incontinence)
Hospitals in this Department
Doctors from this Department
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